Subject: SNDS: Asterax/Altair beeps Author: Morascolts Uploaded By: MorasColts Date: 4/7/2000 File: Altair beeps.sit (15723 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 133 Equipment: a Mac Needs: Moc OS 7.x or higher Keywords: Morascolts, Altair, INEPTEC Playing Time: Various 22.2 khz Mono Here are some system beeps from Altair and Asterax, all short. These all make excellent beeps. Little Pop .2 seconds from the game Altair by INEPTEC Click .2 seconds from the game Altair by INEPTEC Honk .4 seconds from the game Altair by INEPTEC Pop .3 seconds from Asterax by Arvandor Software $$$ .6 seconds from Asterax by Arvandor Software Tink .4 seconds from Asterax by Arvandor Software CK